Professional Planning - PRO

Professional Planning - PRO - These workshops aim to prepare you for life after the thesis. They will help you in becoming aware of the range of skills that you have acquired as a doctoral student and how you can make the most of these in a CV, a portfolio or a letter of motivation.


Cat. Title Location Lang Speakers Dates Places
PRO Let’s Boost Your LinkedIn Profile (204)



Maura Hannon

1709679600 6 and 13 March 2024 COMPLET/FULL 12 / 12
PRO Réussis ton entretien d’embauche ! (212)



Mandy Bronsil

1711580400 28 mars 2024 11 / 10
PRO Design Your Life After the PHD: Get Unstuck and Move Forward in the Story of What Comes Next (213) University of Lausanne EN

Dr Verity Elston

1712700000 10, 17, 24, 26 April 2024 12 / 15
PRO Prepare Your Application for Roles Beyond Academia (206) University of Lausanne EN

Luca Allaria

1712872800 12 April 2024 15 / 15
PRO Le réseautage - à TA manière (216)



Mandy Bronsil

1714600800 2 et 16 mai 2024 14 / 14
PRO Élaborer mon profil professionnel : aspirations, motivations et compétences transversales (209) Université de Fribourg FR

Aline Robert

1716501600 24 mai 2024 10 / 10
PRO Prepare and Conduct an Effective Interview for Non-Academic Career (201) University of Lausanne EN

Luca Allaria

1718316000 14 June 2024 13 / 12
PRO Let’s Boost Your LinkedIn Profile (208)



Maura Hannon

1726610400 18 and 25 September 2024 COMPLET/FULL 12 / 12 registration
PRO Élaborer mon profil professionnel: aspirations, motivations et compétences transversales (210) Université de Neuchâtel FR

Aline Robert

1729202400 18 octobre 2024 7 / 10 registration
PRO Design Your Career: Bring More of Yourself into the Future (205)



Dr Sebastian Kernbach

1730242800 30 October 2024 0 / 16
PRO Your Professional Profile with TRIMA: Values, Goals and Skills (211) University of Fribourg EN

Dr Ilaria Orsi

Dr Caroline Betto Colliard

1731279600 11 November 2024 0 / 10
PRO Prepare and Conduct an Effective Interview for Non-Academic Career (202) University of Lausanne EN

Luca Allaria

1731452400 13 November 2024 0 / 12
PRO Career Transitions After the PhD: Exploring What You Can Do, What You Want to DO, and How You Can Do It (214) Universtiy of Lausanne

Dr Verity Elston ; Stefania D'Onofrio

1732575600 26 November, 3 and 6 December 2024 0 / 18
PRO Réussis ton entretien d'embauche (207) Université de Neuchâtel FR

Mandy Bronsil

1732748400 28 novembre 2024 0 / 10