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Getting Things Done: Time Management and Productivity for Scientists (304)


9 and 23 April 2025

Lang EN Workshop language is English

Dr Djahane Banoo Salehabadi


The researcher's work environment demands a high level of self-direction, agility, and creativity. PhD students have to manage long and complex projects without the many externally set structures, benchmarks, accountability prompts, and clearly defined working hours common in other workplaces. They are exposed to frequent critique, are expected to perform at a high level, and often work long stretches in isolation. Because of this, struggles with motivation, procrastination, and, ultimately, burnout are common among young researchers. 

In this workshop, participants will learn to cultivate laser-like focus, gain more control over their day, find balance, and increase their productivity. This workshop blends practical insights and tools with a powerful reflection on individual habits, beliefs, and processes.  

Participants will learn how to distinguish between value-adding work and support activities through a systematic analysis of how they currently spend their time. Through this process, they will also uncover and uproot hidden distractions (beyond the obvious, such as social media), non-value-adding habits, and limiting beliefs that are deeply ingrained in their daily routine. After this first exercise, participants will understand their unique work process and individual strengths and challenges. A second series of exercises enable participants to apply personal prioritization strategies, articulate SMART goals, break large tasks into manageable steps, and, most importantly, learn to effectively manage their time, energy, and attention within their unique context.
At the end of the workshop, participants will have a deep understanding of how they work and learn, and they will be armed with the tools and mindset to optimize their workflow and move forward with momentum, a sense of well-being, and ease. 


Learning Outcomes:

  • Define their goals in terms of well-being and productivity
  • Be able to identify and manage their unique personal and situational obstacles to productivity and well-bein
  • Understand the concept of "energy management" and how this framework can help them achieve their productivity and well-being goals
  • Be able to create structures and habits (including plans, deadlines, and a cadence of accountability) that will help them make steady progress
  • Learn concrete strategies that will help them prioritize, overcome procrastination and maintain motivation
  • Be able to apply insights and exercises from Positive Psychology that will help them build emotional and mental resilience
  • Be able to identify where they need to establish boundaries and how to do so in a productive and positive way.



The workshop consists of two sessions with a month between them. Participants are required to do about 1-2 hours of 'fieldwork' between sessions.


Session 1:

In this session, participants will define their goals in terms of productivity and well-being. Next, we explore what is getting in their way, including limiting beliefs regarding well-being and productivity. Participants are then introduced to a menu of strategies and best practices that they can apply in individualized combinations to suit their specific needs. At the end of the first session, participants will have a concrete plan that they will pilot between the two sessions.

Session 2

In this session, participants start by analyzing their pilot plan and reflecting on what worked and what didn't. They will systematically analyze this 'data' through a structured peer-reflection exercise. Based on their analysis, they will create a new plan. The instructor will give tailor-made inputs and offer additional strategies and resources based on the "hot spots" identified.









Date: Wednesdays, 9th and 23rd April 2025

Schedule: 9 am to 1 pm

Place: Online !



As both an academic and a professional coach, Dr. Djahane Banoo Salehabadi has a profound grasp of the many dimensions that make up the academic experience. She has developed her coaching style and workshops based on years of experience working at universities and coaching students, postdocs, researchers, and professors. In addition to her work as an academic coach and trainer, she is the Managing Director of the Graduate School for Environment, Society and Global Change at the University of Freiburg, Germany, where she supports over 200 Ph.D. students and postdocs on their academic journey.

She received her B.A. from Dartmouth College, Magna Cum Laude, and Phi Beta Kappa and received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell University in Development Sociology and Science and Technology Studies.

Dr. Banoo has lectured, run workshops, and coached at some of the world's top universities, including ETH Zurich, University of St. Gallen's Executive School, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Freie Universität Berlin, University of Regensburg, Hochschule Luzern, University of Freiburg, and E.P.F.L. Her research has been supported by a number of prestigious research grants, including funds from the U.S. National Science Foundation (N.S.F.), the Swiss National Science Foundation (S.N.S.F.), the German Academic Exchange (DAAD), as well as a number of other competitive grants and awards.

As a coach and trainer, Dr. Banoo never strays far from her academic roots. By training and by choice, she always stays abreast of the latest research on productivity, habit formation, work-life balance, organizational development, and leadership.




Délai d'inscription 02.04.2025
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