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Career Transitions After the PhD: Exploring What You Can Do, What You Want to DO, and How You Can Do It (214)


26 November, 3 and 6 December 2024

Lang Bilingual English-French Workshop

Dr Verity Elston ; Stefania D'Onofrio


The doctorate is a long and intense process that builds knowledge, strengths and interests in everyone. Due to its very intensity, doctoral candidates often feel unclear as they surface from the experience and begin to imagine their next career steps.
In this three-session workshop, you will be given the time and the tools to clarify where you are as you come out of the doctorate : the strengths and the values you have, what motivates and interests you, and how those might translate into your next career steps – whether in the academic environment or anywhere else.
The workshop will combine the strengths of REFLECTORY, a game-based development tool created in Switzerland, in combination with the creativity of the Designing Your Life approach designed at Stanford University. These two approaches have already proved their capacity to help doctoral candidates step forward with confidence and explore where and how they might make their next move.

We will work bilingually by creating the space for participants to work in their preferred language (English or French) whenever they are engaged in personal reflection and goal-setting.

The workshop will be held over 4-hour sessions, with preparatory work (20-30 minutes max) required in advance of the first and second session.


Learning outcomes:

At the outcome of the workshop, participants will :

  • have created their own career journal with a review of their strengths, their interests and motivations, as well as their individual development plan, with action items and the resources available to support their achievement.


While fundamental parts of the workshop will be conducted in English, each session will include time for personal reflection and discussion in either English or French.



Universtiy of Lausanne


Date: Tuesdays 26th November and 3rd December ; Friday 6th December 2024

Schedule: from 12:30 to 16:30

Place: University of Lausanne


Trainers :

Director of Portfolio Formation Sàrl and Co-Director of the University of Lausanne Graduate Campus, Dr Verity Elston was previously director of the CUSO Transversal Programme and Deputy to the Dean of the EPFL Doctoral School. She has broad professional experience in the private and public sectors in several countries, including in middle- and high-level recruitment. She holds a doctorate in Sociocultural Anthropology from the University of Chicago, the FSEA certificate in adult education, the ACC certificate in integral coaching and is a certified TRIMA practitioner. She conducts ongoing qualitative and quantitative research and analysis on the career paths of doctorate holders in Switzerland and in Europe.

Psychologue du travail et Conseillère en carrière à l'Université de Lausanne, Stefania D'Onofrio s'occupe des prestations pour le passage à l'emploi des étudiant·e·s diplômé·e·s depuis janvier 2015. Dans le cadre de son activité, elle anime des ateliers sur le dossier de candidature, l'entretien de sélection, les réseaux sociaux professionnels, etc. suit des personnes dans leur recherche d'emploi lors de coachings emploi ou de bilans de compétences et organise des événements de réseautage entre étudiant·e·s/diplômé·e·s et professionnel·le·s (Horizon carrière et Rencontres Carrières). En parallèle, Madame D'Onofrio exerce comme psychologue du travail indépendante et accompagne ses client·e·s dans leur développement professionnel (




Participants are eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train between the city of their university and the location of the workshop (half-fare card, 2nd class).



Délai d'inscription 19.11.2024
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