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Your Professional Profile with TRIMA: Values, Goals and Skills (299)


27 February 2025

Lang EN Workshop language is English

Dr Caroline Betto Colliard ; Dr Ilaria Orsi


Have you already wondered about the values and motivation that guided your career choices? Would you like to be able to clearly identify your behavior? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What are your dreams? And what strategies could you apply to develop and/or enhance your transferable skills?

Based on the TRIMA psychometric model and focused on your own experience, this workshop will guide you through the thrilling, inspiring and challenging process of developing your professional profile to improve your self-awareness and put luck on your side during the recruitment process. The reflection will be based on the results of the TRIMA psychometric questionnaires, of the ipsative type, which document social styles (who am I? what are my preferences, my aspirations?) and skills (what am I capable of, what are my behavioral patterns in the performance of professional tasks? What transversal skills have I acquired to date?)

The analysis and reflection will be accompanied by individual reflection, exchanges between peers, and reflection in pairs or small groups.

We will work bilingually by creating the space for participants to work in their preferred language (English or French) whenever they are engaged in personal reflection and goal-setting.


Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the day participants will be able to:

  • Identify their aspirations, preferences and goals
  • Have a basis for thinking about future opportunities for professional integration and development
  • Develop a profile of their cross-cutting skills and be able to use them in their professional file and in a job interview
  • Demonstrate his/her transversal competences through concrete examples
  • Identify possible obstacles and development opportunities
  • Collect tools at his/her disposal to pursue his/her reflection.



Completion of the online TRIMA psychometric questionnaires.

All participants who register for the workshop will receive the necessary information one month before the workshop date.




University of Fribourg


Date: Thursday 27th February 2025

Place: University of Fribourg

Schedule: 9:15 am to 5:15 pm



Holder of a PhD in Life Sciences, previously coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Ecology and Evolution, Dr Caroline Betto-Colliard is since 2017 deputy to the CUSO Secretary General. Her professional practice focuses on the quantitative and qualitative aspects of doctoral research in Switzerland, the valorization of the doctorate and the promotion of university cooperation in French-speaking Switzerland in the field of doctoral education. She is also involved in the organization of the "My thesis in 180 seconds" competition and several events dedicated to PhD students, coordinators, and directors of the CUSO programs.

Dr Ilaria Orsi holds a PhD in Classical Archaeology from the University of Lausanne and is the director of the CUSO Transversal Competency Development Program since 2017. As part of her activity, she designs and plans the transferable skills training offer for CUSO doctoral students and regularly develops new workshops, identifying the specific and current needs of doctoral students. As a certified trainer, she understands the complexity of this field and regularly gives conferences in this area at the national and international level and courses dedicated to PhD students.

Particularly committed to accompanying young PhDs during their integration into the professional world, they recently developed a video series entitled "A PhD... And after? ».

They are both TRIMA certified.



Participants are eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train between the city of their university and the location of the workshop (half-fare card, 2nd class).



Délai d'inscription 20.02.2025
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